How much to get to the Alms-house?

From 1884, a description of how hacks worked. “Hack” has fallen out of favor as an alternate for “taxi,” but once referred to a horse for hire, and then generally to horse and carriage combinations.

Hack Fares.–Hacks may be found standing on Broadway, between State st. and Maiden lane. Prices established by city ordinance, are as follows: For each passenger, any distance within the paved streets, not exceeding one mile, 50 cents (omnibuses, 25 cents); over one mile, and not exceeding two miles, 75 cents; over two miles, and not exceeding three miles, $1; to the Alms-house and back, with privilege of detaining carriage at Alms-house one hour, $2; to Penitentiary and back, with privilege of detaining carriage at Penitentiary 30 minutes, 75 cents; attending funeral from any part of the city east of Robin st. to any public cemetery, $2. In other cases, for every hour detained, $1; for the first and every additional hour, 75 cents; or from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. $8. For 128 lbs. baggage, the same rate as for a passenger. A card, with “Licensed Hack” and number and name of proprietor, must be conspicuously displayed inside the vehicle. The restrictions upon hackmen are many.

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