Numbering streets: Ur doin it wrong

Troy, Sixth, Fourth, Eighth – Who do we confusicate?

Visitors to modern Troy, New York are frequently perplexed by the one-way streets, and by the fact that  First through Fourth are streets, Fifth, Sixth and Eighth are avenues, and Seventh has mostly disappeared. Fine. That’s nothing compared to the confusion of olden Troy, say 1895, when Fourth Street ran between Sixth and Eighth.

I offer no explanation. No, it does not make sense if you look further down the map to the rest of Fourth Street.

2 thoughts on “Numbering streets: Ur doin it wrong

  1. But Troy also has an 8th street, where I lived in the early 40s. The house, now looking boarded up, appears on Google Earth.
    I love this blog–also lived in Schenectady for my early years. And worked there summers while I was in college.

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