About Hoxsie

Hoxsie! is a local history site (Carl Johnson, proprietor) featuring snippets of information and ephemera relating to the history of Albany, Schenectady and Troy, New York. Thanks to a relocation, we sneak in some Phoenixville, PA from time to time as well.

Wondering why it’s called Hoxsie! and not something that screams Albany history? Because Hoxsie screamed “Hoxsie!” Something like an explanation can be found here.

Want to contact us? Best way is through Instagram or our Facebook page, but if you’re patient and can wait for us to wade through spam, you can email hoxsie.org [at] gmail.com (yes, there’s a .org before the @).

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24 responses to “About Hoxsie”



    1. carljohnson

      George, the Wallace Company was in the building that houses the CVS and the YMCA. If you look at the building you can see the dates of the two buildings in the medallions up high. The pilasters used to show a big “W” that has been covered up or destroyed in renovations, but which can be seen here:

      1. I am trying to contact Carl Johnson

        1. Carl Johnson

          Sure, just email me hoxsie[dot]org@gmail[dot]com

    2. Mary Jo Hardy


      I am a descendent of Benjamin Payn, owner of Benjamin Payn Tobacco in Albany. My great grandmother is Emma Lee Payn Carney. I am wondering if you know of any pictures of Benjamin Payn or his family/descendants. Or if you can tell me where to search. Thank you very much.

      1. Carl Johnson

        If you look in the Albany Group Archive on Flickr, you’ll at least find some ads from his business:

        If you are on Facebook, join the “Albany The Way It Was” group and try asking there; very active group that may be able to help.

  2. Raymond P.Smith

    IS there a “subscriber” or staffer who could (for a fee) arrange a walking tour to demonstrate landmarks related to Albany Medical College’s history, and some of the history of the land under the current South Mall ?

    1. carljohnson

      I’d suggest posting your question on the https://www.facebook.com/groups/albanythewayitwas/ Facebook page. Also check with the folks at https://98acresinalbany.wordpress.com/

  3. Mark Hewes

    In regards to the recent post about ramp and stairs. I bet it came from Charlie Chaplin’s film The Gold Rush which showed the Chilkoot Pass in Skagway, Alaska, which is a famous part of the Chilkoot Trail used during the Alaskan gold rush.

  4. Could I add your photos of plaques and historical markers to readtheplaque.com? Great site!

  5. Carl Johnson

    Kester Allen, I’d be fine with that. You might also want to look at my instagram account, @signsandmarkers, which is pretty much nothing but historical markers. You can also reach me at [email protected]

  6. Terri Wyman

    My great grandfather owned the business in Troy my making cast iron stoves My dads name was Charles Hayner His Dad Charles Hayner a Troy police officer My dad said his family lost their business during the depression I’d love to have more info

  7. Eric Ryback

    Hello I am seeking any information on who owned the 4 dial street clock located on lower State Street around 1905. I am also trying to find out what happened to it. I have a post card with the clock displayed but could not figure out how to upload it.

    1. Carl Johnson

      I don’t have a way for outside users to post images within comments, sorry. But if you send it to me ([email protected]) I can post it here or on one of the Schenectady history FB groups and see if there’s an answer. This group would be the most likely:

  8. John Moore

    I am trying to find some additional information on the presidents of the Schenectady Trust Bank …the early years are somewhat fruitful with Samuel M Hamill and Gerardus Smith …but the 3os and 40s are somewhat difficult with the ascendency of Lawrence G Magner as the President of the bank for only a year of two….1936 to 1938 or 1938 to 1940

    1. Carl Johnson

      John, sorry to be so slow to approve your comment . . there was a sea of spam. My best resource for all those sorts of things (maybe you’ve looked there already) is the newspaper archive at fultonhistory.com.

  9. Ryan

    The name you have “Hoxsie” as the great source for Capital Region Historical information is the most terrible name of a website I could have ever thought of.

    I get it. I see why you chose it: It’s got a great hyperspecific name for the region it talks about… but ANYONE who has even a CASUAL interest in Albany history will STRUGGLE TO FIND THIS. All of the other historical sites I enjoy following have an obvious name of the location they are talking about.

    I’ve lived in Albany, Rochester, Buffalo, and Chicago, and all of them have great websites that are EASILY searchable….Except for Albany…because it’s this idiotic name….”Hoxie.” This website’s content is great, but this website’s name is terrible and is exactly the reason why you are suffering to get more followers. Please be a sensible human being and change it to something like “Hoxie: Albany Capital Region Upstate New York History.”

    A history lover who is from Albany and is also in local historical groups for: Rochester, Buffalo, Chicago

    Holy crap the name of this website is bad!

    1. Carl Johnson


    2. Carl Johnson

      Wait ’til you hear about Fultonhistory.com . . . .

  10. Valerie Perez

    Hi, I’m rummaging in the basement of my parent’s house and found a trunk with a Saratoga Baggage Express Co sticker on it. Wondering if you might direct me to a source where I can find info about trunk. I got photos.

    1. Carl Johnson

      Valerie, I don’t know off the top of my head but if you send me the photos (can email hoxsie.org [at] gmail.com, or on Instagram tag @hoxsiealbany, I’ll take a look and see what we can find out.

  11. Robert J White

    I have a story to share, my history of Pauly’s Hotel and on “Connecting the Dots”


  12. Trudy Horridge

    I love this new to me bit of history. I am researching my dead relatives ,lol. My paternal Great Grandmother was named Frances Deyo. Her parents Hugh Henry Deyo and Nancy nee Henry, raised my Grandfather, Joseph Bertrand. Sadly his Mother died in childbirth. I believe Hugh might have been a postmaster? They seemed to bounce from Glenville to Ballston Spa mid 1800’s. I can’t find their graves or death dates. Can anyone help me? I am in TX so is a long drive, but would make it again for the right information. Thank you, Trudy

    1. Thanks, Trudy. Let me suggest you look at the NYS Genealogy group on Facebook for local help:

      People generally won’t see the comments on my Hoxsie posts unless they’ve specifically subscribed to them, but that group may be able to help you out.

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