This is just one of those intriguing little articles that caught my eye while working on something else – an article headlined “‘Antique’ Phone Booth Installed In Stockade.”
Dated February 6, 1963, the Schenectady Gazette reported that New York Telephone had installed a red-and-white, shingle-roofed “antique” telephone booth at Front and North Ferry streets.
“At the request of Stockaders, the picturesque pay phone replaces a regulation, modern phone booth which previously stood at the corner. Some particularly historical-minded residents felt the aluminum booth detracted from the colonial atmosphere of the district.” While not a request the telephone company would normally accommodate, they went along with it because of the historical importance of the area. “An old wooden booth was salvaged, rebuilt and restyled to produce a booth which would blend in with the Stockade decor…
“The Stockade booth is similar to those which enhance Colonial Williamsburg, Va. And, in New York city’s Chinatown, the phone booths are pagoda-shaped.”

I have no idea how long this lasted.
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