In 1925, Schenectady and the tri-cities area weren’t the only places you could pick up a copy of the Schenectady Gazette. It was available all over upstate New York, apparently, and even in such far-flung locations as Boston, New York City, Hartford, Philadelphia, Detroit, and even Miami. Though Miami was certainly a stretch, the other locations were all within easy, and relatively quick, reach by train.
For some newsstands, out-of-town papers were a very big thing. In Syracuse in the 1980s, Durston’s, a cigar store and newsstand, prided itself on the variety of out-of-town papers it carried. In those days, they arrived by Greyhound bus instead of train. (It was always surprising to me that in a city that was absolutely littered with newsstands, it was actually very hard to find out-of-town papers in New York City. Very few places carried them.)
I can’t say I’d ever have predicted that newsstands themselves would be a thing of the past.
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