Just a quick side note, since our story on the proposed Sheridan Park made mention of the oddly named “Road Street” in Albany. Road Street is, for most of its length, nothing more than a footpath on the map, but one with a history that Paula LeMire dug up a couple of years back. I hardly ever give it a thought, even though I go by it from time to time, forgetting that it’s a real street. You could be forgiven for thinking it’s a bike path, and a fairly forbidding one at that, given that the state of that part of the city is enough to have made it the answer to a Jeopardy question, “What is blight?” But where cyclists fear to tread, Google Street View does not — apparently one of Google’s vehicles found its way down Road Street. There are still some fairly commonly used stretches of road that Street View has missed, but some intrepid driver must have been armed with a map that insisted that this was, indeed a street, and by gosh, he (or she) was going to go down it.
At least Road Street is, as one would expect, a street. There is also a Street Road, which is not a road but a hamlet outside of Ticonderoga.
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