Pease’s Leviathan Variety Store

Peases Leviathan Variety Store
Peases Leviathan Variety Store

The copy in Wilson’s Albany City Guide of 1844 says:

“For richness and extensive variety of novelties, combining the Beautiful, the Useful and the Ornamental, this establishment excels any in town. Mr. P. has many fancy articles which are surpassingly rich; exceeding anything in elegance, that we have ever thought, dreamed or read of. All the powers of the Parisian artist seem to have been brought into requisition to cater for the establishment. Ladies rich portable writing desks, gentlemen and ladies toilet cases, gentlemens’ walking sticks with an umbrella folded inside, so as to answer for the purpose of a walking stick and umbrella, and every variety of walking canes. The ladies will find every thing pertaining to their toilets, with rich bead purses, workbags, &c. To the rich Berlin iron goods we would cite their special notice. His perfumeries exceed any assortment in the city, having over 100 varieties of different extracts. The Odd Fellows will find every variety of the different emblematic devices used at their lodges, with tassels, fringes, stars, bullions, &c. A rich assortment of French Jewelry and steel ornaments. Gentlemen will find every variety of soaps, &c. for their toilets, such as dressing combs, brushes, tooth brushes, curling tongs, tweezers, &c.; toilet mirrors in great variety. His assortment never has been so rich and desirable as at the present time, and the facilities he is able at all times to command, enable him to put them to his customers at much less than former prices, at wholesale and retail.

“Mr. Pease also executes Wood Engraving in a superior style; specimens may be seen all over this city, as well as some in this work.”

Indeed, Pease was a hell of a wood cutter, and he is widely acknowledged as having produced the first machine printed Christmas cards in the U.S., sometime around 1850.

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