Mix’s Diamonds, Jewelry and Silverware

“Any watch you want can be found here, with price and guarantee always satisfactory. Diamonds, jewelry and silverware at Mix’s.”


When this ad appeared in 1898, James Cadwell Mix was getting on in years. Kollock’s “State of New York” from 1882 said:

“Many advantages contribute toward making Albany a
great purchasing centre, and to accommodate the trade there are
concentrated a number of enterprising business men who have established
business houses to meet these demands, prominent among them being Mr.
James Mix, who is largely engaged in dealing in fine watches of both
foreign and domestic manufacture, and diamonds. He has a large double
front store, elegantly provided with handsome plate-glass show cases, in
which, and in his windows, are displayed an elegant assort men t of
rare and expensive jewelry and silverplate and gold watches. Mr. Mix is
special agent for the celebrated Saltzman watch, and also for the United
States, Philadelphia. Elgin, Waltham, and New York Watch Companies’
manufacture. Mr. Mix is a native of Albany, and is a gentleman sixty
years of age. He is also bank director of the National Union Bank of
Kinderhook. He succeeded his father in this business, which is nearly
one-half a century in age, being established in 1827. He is doing a very
handsome business of $150,000 a year, which is steadily increasing. Mr.
Mix, by his straightforward, honest dealings with the public, and
cordial and polite manners, has won hosts of friends in Albany.”

Mr. Mix passed on in 1907. The “Beaver Block” was on South Pearl between Norton and Beaver, and so is long gone for a glass office tower. Several of Mr. Mix’s trade cards are on view here.

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