Albany Medical College

Albany Medical College
Albany Medical College

The Albany Medical College was chartered Feb. 16, 1839; “the charter empowers the trustees to confer the degree of doctor of medicine on the recommendation of the faculty, and three of the curators. The college edifice which is of brick, three stories high, 120 feet front by 50 feet deep, belongs with its grounds, to the city of Albany, and has been leased to the trustees of the college for twenty years at the nominal rent of $1 per year. It is very eligibly located in Eagle street, a short distance from the capitol.”

The hospital’s “fitting up” was defrayed by voluntary contributions from the citizens of Albany. Then the Legislature appropriated $15,000 to improve the building, museum, and library — “the museum and apparatus are now as complete and extensive as in any other institution in the United States.”

And if in 1844 you were interested in visiting the medical college’s museum, you were in luck: “Strangers are admitted to the museum on application to the Janitor.”

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